Standard Course of Study & Supporting Resources
Stay Updated on Standards Revision
In an effort to keep stakeholders informed, the NCDPI ELA Team provides monthly updates that contain the latest announcements and current news regarding the ELA Standards. These updates are sent every first Friday of the month. To receive these updates straight to your inbox, be sure to subscribe to our listserv. To view past updates, click on the links below.
ELA Standards Documents
View and sort ELA Standards and supporting documents, including: the Understanding the ELA Standard Course of Study, the Vertical Progression, the ELA Standards Crosswalk, etc.
Explore ELA Repositories
ELA Virtual Implementation Kit
The Virtual Implementation Kit (VIK) is a repository for all English Language Arts stakeholders. This repository provides a variety of resources for supporting administrators, educators, and parents during the implementation of the 2017 Standard Course of Study. The range of resources and modes of navigation offer users an opportunity to determine their own specific needs and find materials that suit them. This Canvas repository can be accessed with or without a Canvas account.
Literacy Instruction Standards (LIS) Toolkit (LIST)
The LIST is a repository for all literacy stakeholders and provides a variety of resources for supporting administrators, educators, and parents during the implementation of the current LIS. To learn more about the LIS and the accompanying resources, visit the DPI LIS webpage.
ELA: The Basics Livebinder
The Basics Livebinder guides teachers through two fundamentals of ELA instruction: the Standards and the texts. This step-by-step guide contains information and activities focused on understanding the standards and choosing appropriately complex texts.
Supporting Multilingual Learners
Stakeholders have different areas of expertise and are often responsible for different aspects of educational planning and delivery; however, collectively, they are responsible for the success of Multilingual Learners. Each teacher can contribute to deliver coordinated educational experiences for Multilingual Learners according to their own qualifications and areas of expertise (WIDA 2020). To aid content area educators in supporting Multilingual Learners, please visit the NCDPI ML/Title III Team’s ELD Standards Resource Hub.