
The Communications and Information Division provides this online newsroom as a central resource of news and current information about K-12 education events, report releases and other initiatives in North Carolina public schools.

Note: News releases contained on this site are for historical purposes only. While each release was accurate on the date issued, it may be outdated now.

Coordinator: Blair Rhoades, Director, Communications and Information Division

Communications Main Number: 984-236-2000

Tab/Accordion Items

The NC State Board of Education (SBE) and the NC Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) use student and adult photographs, video and voice recordings for many purposes.

These materials may appear in print, on our website (as photos, videos, and/or podcasts), and/or in presentations. The news media – both in print and online – may use them in school-related news coverage, in productions aired on television and/or the web, or in similar forms of communication/media.

This form allows you as parent/guardian or adult to choose whether you/your child may appear in any of these various media formats and illustrations used by the SBE, the NCDPI, and/or the news media.

Media Release Form (English)

Media Release Form (Spanish)

Statistical Profile Web Page
A collection of statistical information about North Carolina's elementary and secondary schools.

NC Education Acronyms
List of the more commonly used educational acronyms or abbreviations.

State Board of Education Web Site
Resource containing SBE member and meeting information, legislative news and more.

Organizational Information
Miscellaneous details regarding the structure and operations of DPI.

Education Directory
Downloadable version of the annual Education Directory which contains contact information for DPI staff, local districts, schools, education associations, educational vendors and more.

Legislative Report
Current and archived reports on the legislative activity as it relates to public schools.

NC School Report Cards
Important information about student performance, class size, school safety, and teacher quality at the school level. District and state comparative data also is provided.

Accountability and Testing Results
End-of-Grade and End-of-Course assessment results for traditional and charter schools.

U.S. Department of Education
Federal agency overseeing education at the national level.