The Center for Safer Schools will host a Standard Response Protocol and Standard Reunification Method Train the Trainer Workshop on Wednesday, Oct. 16. The training, held in partnership with the I Love U Guys Foundation, will be held from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. at the James Garner Center, 211 Burnette St., Troy, N.C.
SRP and SRM are used for crisis response and post-crisis reunification. The Train the Trainer Workshop introduces participants to the history, concepts and functionality of SRP and SRM and how to train the programs internally.
After learning about the five actions of the Standard Response Protocol, and their associated directives, participants will be able to implement the program and enhance their school safety plans.
Participants also will gain an understanding of the methods for planning, practicing and achieving a successful reunification using the Standard Reunification Method. They will have the ability to organize a reunification team in their school and create a reunification plan.
The workshop is open to school safety directors and support staff. Safety directors and their respective “think partners” (school administrators, law enforcement, etc.) are encouraged to attend together.
Click here to register. The registration deadline is Monday, Oct. 7. If you have questions, send an email to