Programs and Initiatives

Computer Science, IT, and Technology Education has partnered with organizations to provide programs and initiatives to support and enhance the K–12 Computer Science Standards.

North Carolina Technology Student Association (TSA)

NC TSA is the North Carolina chapter of the national Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO), TSA.  The mission of TSA revolves around providing students opportunities to become leaders, explore careers, and develop personal skills in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) areas.  Members demonstrate these ideas through conferences, competitions, and intracurricular activities in the classroom. Through active participation, members will have the chance to develop the skills necessary to be the leaders and creators that drive innovation for generations to come. is an education innovation nonprofit dedicated to the vision that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science as part of their core K-12 education. Their mission is to expand access to computer science in schools, with a focus on increasing participation by young women and students from other underrepresented groups. has a free curriculum catalogue supports teachers the whole way with professional learning and support when they need it.


CS4NC is the North Carolina chapter of the Expanding Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) Alliance – a consortium of states dedicated to increasing equitable capacity for, access to, participation in, and experiences of computing education for students across K-12 and higher education. Founding members of CS4NC included representatives from the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State’s College of Education, the NC Department of Public Instruction, the UNC-Charlotte College of Computing and Informatics, the NC State Department of Computer Science, and the Computer Science Teachers Association. Since its inception, new members from the state’s community college system, local school districts, and industry have joined the alliance to help increase awareness of computer science education and coordinate activities and initiatives that will help us grow our networks of educators and computing industry professionals alike.

Coding in Minecraft

Through a collaboration with Microsoft and Prodigy Learning, all middle and high school students to have the opportunity to experience the ‘Coding in Minecraft’ credential program. The statewide availability of ‘Coding in Minecraft’ will give each student in every middle school in North Carolina an equal opportunity to engage in CSITT and achieve credentials aligned to the North Carolina Computer Science Standards, starting pathways to Career and Technical Education, other industry certifications and employment opportunities.

Expanding Computing Education Pathways Alliance

The Expanding Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) Alliance seeks to increase the number and diversity of students in the pipeline to computing and computing-intensive degrees by promoting state-level computer science education reform. ECEP supports diverse state leadership teams to develop effective and replicable interventions to broaden participation in computing (BPC) and to create state-level infrastructure to foster equitable computing education policies.

Hour of Code

The Hour of Code started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify "code", to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. It has since become a worldwide effort to celebrate computer science, starting with 1-hour coding activities but expanding to all sorts of community efforts. This grassroots campaign is supported by over 400 partners and 200,000 educators worldwide.

Kenan Fellowship for Computer Science

The Kenan Fellows Program for Teacher Leadership offers K–12 educators immersion experiences within local industries and higher education institutions, giving them firsthand insights into regional career pathways for students. We then guide educators in translating these immersion experiences into programs and resources that bridge the gap between schools and the workforce. CSITT collaborates with the Kenan Fellows to provide the five scholarships for educators to become Computer Science, IT, and Technology Education leaders.