SACIE Council Members
This Council is composed of fifteen members:
- Two legislative members (one senator appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and one representative appointed by the Speaker of the House)
- Two Indian members from higher education (one appointed by the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina and one appointed by the State Board of Community Colleges)
- One Indian member from the North Carolina Commission on Indian Affairs to be appointed by the Commission
- Five Indian parents of students enrolled in K-12 public schools, including charter schools
- Five Indian educators from public elementary/secondary schools to be appointed by the SBE from a list of recommendations submitted by the North Carolina Commission on Indian Affairs
Indian members of the Council shall be broadly representative of North Carolina Indian tribes and organizations, specifically, the Eastern Band of Cherokee, Lumbee, Coharie, Waccamaw-Siouan, Haliwa Saponi, Meherrin, Person County Indians, Cumberland County Association for Indian People, the Guilford Native American Association, the Metrolina Native American Association, and any other Indian tribe graining State recognition in the future.
For more information on SACIE appointments and terms, refer to NC General Statutes Chapter 115C, Article 13A.
Amanda Coronado Frisard is an enrolled member of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina. She has the unique perspective of being a survivor of a brain hemorrhage and a stay-at-home mom who is passionate about advocating for the many layers of education at her children's schools in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School district. Amanda graduated from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ with a bachelor's degree in Political Science/Business Administration. She has spent her adult life volunteering in the realms of politics, disabilities, Native Americans and education. Amanda resides in Charlotte, NC with her husband Ken, son Tres, and daughter Ava.
The Honorable Jarrod Lowery is a Republican member of the North Carolina House of Representatives from the 47th district. He was elected to the seat in the 2022 election. He is a member of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina. Representative Lowery serves on five committees on Agriculture, Families, Children, and Aging Policy, Finance, and Redistricting. He is the vice-chairman on the committee for Federal Relations and Indian Affairs.
The Honorable Edward Charles Goodwin is a member of the North Carolina House of Representatives. He represents District 1 that includes Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Perquimans, Tyrrell, and Washington Counties. Representative Goodwin served in the United States Air Force from 1972-1976 and served in the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. He is the Vice-Chair of the House Appropriations Committee and a member of the Agriculture, Environment, and State Personnel Committees, among others.
Brandi K. Jacobs resides in Raleigh, NC, is married to Sandon Jacobs and is the proud mother of two daughters. She is a member of the Lumbee tribe and received her undergraduate B.S. in Birth-Kindergarten education from UNC-Pembroke. She received her graduate M.Ed. in School Counseling from UNC-Chapel Hill. She has worked as a School Counselor in the elementary setting for 10 years. She is a member of the Triangle Native American Society and Wake County Public Schools Indian Education.
Candice Revels resides in Shannon, NC and is a proud member of the Lumbee Tribe of NC. Candice currently serves as the Indian Education Coordinator for Cumberland County Schools.
Calvin T. Locklear is a proud member of the Lumbee Tribe and an active member in Triangle Native American Society. He and his wife, Jennie, have two children in the Wake County Public School System and are members of the parent committee in the Indian Education Program. He is an employee of Red Hat, a software company based in Raleigh, NC. Mr. Locklear is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke and serves on their board of visitors.
Dr. Tiffany Locklear is a member of the Lumbee Nation and resident of the Prospect Community. She is an Assistant Professor in the Teacher Education Program of the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. As an educator and former administrator, she is committed to supporting and inspiring students teaching in the graduate and undergraduate programs and supervising elementary education interns. She has served as a mentor for the First Americans’ Educational Leadership Grant Program in which she supported aspiring American Indian administrators in an effort to increase the number of highly effective American Indian administrators and improve educational outcomes for American Indian students in North Carolina. Dr. Locklear also currently serves on the State Advisory Council for Indian Education and the leadership team of Unlocking Silent Histories for the Lumbee Community. Dr. Locklear is a Gate’s Millennium Scholar. Research interests include new ways of teaching and learning, decolonizing methods of culture and learning, and culturally responsive pedagogy.
Dr. Lowery is a member of the Lumbee Tribe and has been in education for over 20 years. She began her teaching career as a high school mathematics teacher with the Public Schools of Robeson County and then transitioned to the community college. Dr. Lowery is currently the Assistant Vice President for University Transfer and Health Sciences at Robeson Community College. Over the past several years she has worked with the North Carolina Community College System in redesigning developmental education. Currently, Dr. Lowery is the RISE (Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence) Coordinator for the Central Region and assists colleges as they transition from a pre-requisite model of remediation to a co-requisite model. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Education, a Master of Arts in Mathematics Education, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership. Dr. Lowery and her husband, Master Sergeant Jamie Lowery, reside in Pembroke, NC with their son and daughter. Her son attends the Public Schools of Robeson County.
Stacey Lynch is a member of the Haliwa-Saponi Tribe of Hollister, NC. She has worked as a Student Cultural Activity Liaison with Warren County Title VI Indian Education program for over 10 years. She is the wife of Lucas and the mother of two wonderful young men, Lucas "Shobe" who is a sophomore at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, and Logan who attends Warren County Middle School. Mrs. Lynch has an Associate’s of Arts degree from Nash Community College and a certificate in Medical Billing and Coding. Mrs. Lynch is a devoted student advocate and is an advisor for NCNAYO and the Red Earth Youth Council. In her spare time, Mrs. Lynch enjoys spending time with her family and doing traditional native beadwork.
Mr. Jeremiah Moore, a proud Lumbee is a native of Scotland County now living in the Wakulla community. He has worked as a Middle School level educator teaching Social Studies, ELA, and Science. Mr. Moore received a Bachelor's Degree in History from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke and a Master's Degree in School Administration (Summa Cum Laude) where he was a participant in the FAEL Program (First Americans' Educational Leadership Cohort). During his experience as a teacher he served as a NASA (Native American Student Association) coordinator, Nearpod Coordinator (tech-tool), Head Soccer Coach, Beginning Teacher Coordinator (school-level), as well as serving in many curriculum leadership capacities. He is passionate about school improvement and has presented school improvement models such as PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) and "Culturally Responsive Curriculum Development" in various school districts across the state and nation wide having presented at a national STEAM confer ence in Hawaii. Mr. Moore has transitioned from being the Assistant Principal of Pembroke Middle School (Public Schools of Robeson County) to the Principal within the last academic school year. Mr. Moore is incredibly passionate about native youth and devotes his life to ensuring native students are given the same equitable opportunities for achievement as others. Mr. Moore’s quote of affirmation is “Let us put our minds together to see what life we can make for our children.” - Sitting Bull (Hunkpapa Lakota).
Dr. Olivia Oxendine has an extensive record in public education teaching reading, social studies, and English in three states; directing curricular programs at the central office level; serving as a school administrator in elementary and middle grades; and directing state-level programs in dropout prevention, the NC DARE program, school nursing, and school social work. In South Carolina and North Carolina, she has served on numerous committees established to improve K-12 writing instruction.
Dr. Oxendine holds degrees from UNC Pembroke, Appalachian State University, and UNC Greensboro. While working at the Department of Public Instruction in the late nineties, Dr. 0xendine completed two school reform institutes on the campuses of Stanford University and the Yale Child Study Center. Her leadership in and advocacy for school-family-community engagement in public schools earned her a special citation signed by the author. visionary, and child psychiatrist Dr. James P. Comer, Director of the School Development Program at the Yale Child Study Center.
Dr. Oxendine's special research in school segregation from teachers' perspectives has been presented to many audiences at the state and national levels, including oral historians at the National Museum of the American Indian-Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. Dr. Oxendine teaches school leadership courses at the University of North Carolina Pembroke.
Dorothy Stewart Yates is a retired educator of 35 years in the Person County Schools. Mrs. Yates serves as the Chairperson of the Sappony Tribe and resides in Roxboro, NC. She is also the Sappony representative on the NC Commission of Indian Affairs where she serves as Chairperson of the Education Committee. Mrs. Yates served as the Coordinator of the Title VI Indian Education Program in Person County for many years.
Angelique Jacobs Young is a member of the Coharie Tribe. She is married to David Young and together they have raised four children. She is the Director of First Impressions Ministry at Holly Grove Church in Clinton and has been an educator with Sampson County Schools since 2005. She has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke and a Master's Degree in Professional School Counseling from Liberty University.
Tamra Carter is a member of the Waccamaw Siouan Tribe and has been in education for 22 years. She began her career as a Regional Computing Consultant with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Mrs. Carter is currently the Testing & Accountability Coordinator/PowerSchool Coordinator and Indian Education Director for Columbus County Schools. Mrs. Carter and her husband James Carter reside in the St. James Community with their daughter Makayla Carter.
Will Paul is a member of the Sappony Indians of Person County. He currently serves as the Exceptional Children's Coordinator at Roxboro Community School with over 20 years experience in education ranging from kindergarten to 12th grade, and community college. Mr. Paul has previously served on the Sappony Tribal Council and is committed to the success of not only the Sappony youth but all American Indian students.
Stephen Bell is a proud member of the Lumbee Tribe, born and raised in Greensboro, NC. Mr. Bell began his work in education as a middle school science teacher. After teaching for three years, he received the Buder Scholarship to obtain his Masters Degree in Social Work with a focus in American Indian and Alaska Native communities and a focus in children, youth, and families. As a school social worker, he worked in several schools providing mental health counseling and facilitating groups to students, as well as training and collaborating with educators to better serve all students.