State Advisory Council on American Indian Education

North Carolina General Statute 115C-210 established an advisory council to the State Board of Education (SBE) to be known as the "State Advisory Council on Indian Education" in 1987. Subsequently, the SBE developed a policy to implement the establishment of the Council as an advisory body to the SBE on matters on Indian education.

Functions of the Council

  • Prepare an annual report that includes an action plan and make an annual presentation to the SBE. Also, advise the SBE on ways to meet the educational needs of American Indian students more effectively based on the SBE’s strategies, policies, and information.

  • Present and share the annual report with the Indian Tribes and Indian organizations referenced in Article 71A of the General Statutes and organizations holding membership on the North Carolina State Commission of Indian Affairs at the statewide Indian Unity Conference.  As well as with the North Carolina State Commission of Indian Affairs.

  • Work closely with DPI, Tribal Leaders, and Title VI Coordinators to improve coordination and communication between and among programs.

  • Improve consultations among the SBE, DPI, and American Indian tribal communities, students, parents, and educators.

  • Advise the SBE on any other aspect of American Indian education when requested by the SBE to do so.

Tab/Accordion Items

Terms of office

  • Legislative members, the higher education members, and the member from the North Carolina Commission on Indian Affairs shall serve for an unspecified term at the pleasure of their respective appointing authorities.
  • The terms for public school educators and the Indian parents appointed shall be for a period of two years and no member shall serve for more than two consecutive terms.

Current Members of the State Advisory Council on Indian Education

Other Policies

  • The Council elects a chairperson from its membership.
  • The Council meets at least three, but no more than four, times a year. Emergency meetings may be called by the chairperson.
  • Membership representing the eight education regions is not addressed in statute or policy.


The SACIE membership application includes five parts:  personal information, a biographical sketch, resume, tribal/organizational endorsement, and (if applicable) educator endorsement.

Membership Application

Applications are due December 1 of each year for appointment in July of the following year. Applications should be completed and mailed to:

North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs
1317 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1317