The Center for Safer Schools (CFSS) is launching a Parent Engagement Committee to elevate parents’ voice in their children’s safety in schools.
The committee will be a 24-member advisory board made up of three (two from school districts and one from charter schools) parents/guardians from the state’s eight educational regions to ensure diverse geographical participation. Members will share their aspirations for and discuss challenges within the K-12 education system, helping to put together recommendations for elected officials and policymakers in North Carolina, and provide direct input to CFSS Executive Director Karen W. Fairley.
“What happens in the community goes over into the schools, and it all starts at home,” said Fairley. “It’s vital for parents to be engaged in matters of school safety, and it’s the Center’s responsibility to keep them as informed as possible.
“Our Parent Engagement Committee was modeled on the superintendent’s Parent Advisory Commission, so the two panels will complement each other. With the help of the Center’s upcoming parent/community engagement coordinator, we’re ready to make this initiative one of our main focuses.”
Applicants are required to have a child in K-12 at the time of applying; answer the required questions; be a legal North Carolina resident; and be able to serve for at least two years while attending monthly meetings (which will be both virtual and a minimum of two times in-person).
Applicants are required to have at least one reference from a public figure or educator. An educator is anyone who works in the North Carolina education system. A public figure could be – but is not limited to – a member of the local chamber or a county commissioner.
The Parent Engagement Committee application is available at the following link: Application. Applications are due Friday, July 7. Selected committee members will be notified by Friday, July 28.
Media inquiries: Email Charles Kinnin at
About the Center for Safer Schools
The Center for Safer Schools serves to promote safe learning environments for North Carolina K-12 schools. The CFSS serves as a hub of information and technical assistance on school safety to school faculty and staff, law enforcement, youth-serving community agencies, juvenile justice officials, policymakers, parents/guardians and students. CFSS staff focuses on school climate, school discipline and emergency preparedness concerns for North Carolina’s public K-12 schools. CFSS staff is available to provide training, guidance and technical assistance upon request for school faculty and staff and those working with children and adolescents. The CFSS is headed by Karen W. Fairley, Executive Director.