Thursday, September 3, 2020

State Superintendent Mark Johnson Announces Local Districts’ Reading Diagnostics Choices

State Superintendent Mark Johnson has announced the K-3 reading diagnostics that local school districts have chosen to use this academic year.  Earlier this year, Superintendent Johnson and DPI developed a plan to allow districts to select their own diagnostic tools from a list of approved vendors. As a result, five vendors were approved for local districts to choose from.
Sep 3, 2020

State Superintendent Mark Johnson has announced the K-3 reading diagnostics that local school districts have chosen to use this academic year.  Earlier this year, Superintendent Johnson and DPI developed a plan to allow districts to select their own diagnostic tools from a list of approved vendors. As a result, five vendors were approved for local districts to choose from.

Superintendent Johnson said that other states are now watching closely as North Carolina employs this innovative approach in schools.

“I am pleased to report today that based on conversations I have had with other leaders, the nation is watching North Carolina with excitement because we have innovated in a way that others want to emulate,” said Superintendent Johnson. “I want to express my gratitude to the team at DPI who helped bring into action our idea of being able to use multiple K-3 reading diagnostics across the state for the Read to Achieve program.”

The following data is from the 115 local school districts. The tool serving most K-3 students in district schools this year will be Istation, serving 160,000 students. Istation is followed closely by iReady. iReady will serve just over 140,000 students. The next highest total is for the MAP assessment tool, which is at about 60,000 students. Together, the computer adaptive technologies of Istation, iReady, MAP, and STAR will serve over 90% of all K-3 students. Districts also have the option to select mClass, the tool used statewide until 2018. 8% of students will use mClass in the 2020-21 school year.

“I want to thank the General Assembly for supporting this step and most of all, I want to thank local superintendents, K-3 teachers, and central office staff who gave change a chance despite the challenges,” said Superintendent Johnson.

“Last but not least, I want to thank the State Board of Education,” continued Superintendent Johnson. “While I fully acknowledge that the state board was reluctant to give districts the choice of multiple options, I am truly grateful to them for agreeing to this plan to give districts choice.”

A full breakdown of the districts’ choices is available here.

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