Critical Incidents & Reunification

Critical Incident Response Training for School Faculty and Staff

This training increases awareness of school emergency situations and the main response actions. It augments the materials and resources already available to school personnel in developing plans and practicing evacuation, lock-down, and shelter-in-place drills, and provides insight into the application of the Emergency Management Response phases which are applicable to all critical incident situations including such things as fire, natural disasters, severe weather, and site-specific hazards.

Who should attend Critical Incident training?

  • School Administrators
  • School staff members
  • Crisis Team members
  • School Treat Assessment Teams and employees involved in student safety
  • Additional Support Staff: Bus drivers, cafeteria workers, custodial staff, grounds crews and coaches
  • Public Safety Personnel

Why you should attend Critical Incident training?

  • Incidents of violence are impacting our youth at schools.
  • Increase awareness and response to school emergency situations.
  • Foster an environment with school, community members and public safety personnel where we work together to address issues.
  • Augment materials and resources already available to school personnel in developing plans, conducting drills: practicing evacuations, lockdown, shelter-in-place drills, and responding to school emergencies.
  • Importantly establishes a statewide unified response to critical incident situations.


Reunification Training for School Faculty and Staff

Reunification training addresses the means for safe, orderly, and documented reunion of students and families in the event of an emergency evacuation or school closing.

Reunification can occur on-site or at an off-site location depending on the nature of the crisis, including:

  • Hazardous materials release near the school
  • Major fire
  • Severe weather event
  • School violence
  • Bomb threat
  • Active shooter type incident